To kiss your lips
And steal your breath
I swear will be
The death of me
To hold your stare
Whilst there before us
Others glare
Oblivious of the love
We share
To feel your fingers
Through my hair
A stray wisp
Pushed aside my face
And on my cheek
Your lips doth grace
As gentle as a feathers touch
Will surely be a feat too much
To see a smile purview your eyes
A sadness there that woe implies
To watch remorseful as you part
I stand forlorn with heavy heart.
2011 © LH
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Death Chooses You.
You don't get to choose death
Death chooses you
Unaware of it's approach
It skulks around you
It prowls like a predator
Sneaking through
The long grass
Sniffing the air
Waiting to pounce
It will choose it's moment
When it's good and ready
You don't get to choose death
It will choose you.
When you unscrew the lid
From your bottle of pills
Through tear filled eyes
And pop them into your mouth
Feel the rough glaze
And the toxic taste
That you think is death
Your body welcomes it
Then your stomach heaves
And you ride the white stallion
Through the city streets
Carried in the arms
Of a knight in shining armour
Then lie in a heap
Surrounded by machines
That continuously beep
You realise
You don't get to choose death
Death chooses you.
When you take a sharp razor
To your lily white flesh
And cut deep into your pulse
You think you can make it stop
Time seems to pause
But the hands on the clock
Continue to tick
Your heavy eyelids close
And the last thing you see
Is the knight with his shield
Its the end of the game
You awake wrapped in gauze
The wounds have healed
But you live with the shame
You don't get to choose death
Death chooses you.
You tie a rope good and strong
Pull it tight, it won't break
Put your head in the noose
The chafe of the twine
Around your neck
Stick to the deadline
Then sudden clarity
You want to live
The rope has no give
The chair you balance on
Starts to wobble
And topple
Your arms flap in the air
This is what it feels like to fly
Your feet slip from the edge
And they don't touch the ground
The knights stallion is black
And you climb on the back
You don't get to choose Life
Death chose you.
2011 © LH
Death chooses you
Unaware of it's approach
It skulks around you
It prowls like a predator
Sneaking through
The long grass
Sniffing the air
Waiting to pounce
It will choose it's moment
When it's good and ready
You don't get to choose death
It will choose you.
When you unscrew the lid
From your bottle of pills
Through tear filled eyes
And pop them into your mouth
Feel the rough glaze
And the toxic taste
That you think is death
Your body welcomes it
Then your stomach heaves
And you ride the white stallion
Through the city streets
Carried in the arms
Of a knight in shining armour
Then lie in a heap
Surrounded by machines
That continuously beep
You realise
You don't get to choose death
Death chooses you.
When you take a sharp razor
To your lily white flesh
And cut deep into your pulse
You think you can make it stop
Time seems to pause
But the hands on the clock
Continue to tick
Your heavy eyelids close
And the last thing you see
Is the knight with his shield
Its the end of the game
You awake wrapped in gauze
The wounds have healed
But you live with the shame
You don't get to choose death
Death chooses you.
You tie a rope good and strong
Pull it tight, it won't break
Put your head in the noose
The chafe of the twine
Around your neck
Stick to the deadline
Then sudden clarity
You want to live
The rope has no give
The chair you balance on
Starts to wobble
And topple
Your arms flap in the air
This is what it feels like to fly
Your feet slip from the edge
And they don't touch the ground
The knights stallion is black
And you climb on the back
You don't get to choose Life
Death chose you.
2011 © LH
Monday, 21 November 2011
Letting Go.
In this secluded corner
Upon your face
Too copious
For me
To undertake
Feast upon the Devil's cake
Claw your flesh until you bleed
When your heart no longer aches
When you've satisfied your needs
The dawning blow
The desire to know
I loved
And so, I let you go.
2011 © LH
In this secluded corner
Upon your face
Too copious
For me
To undertake
Feast upon the Devil's cake
Claw your flesh until you bleed
When your heart no longer aches
When you've satisfied your needs
The dawning blow
The desire to know
I loved
And so, I let you go.
2011 © LH
Saturday, 19 November 2011
At The Bottom Of Pandora's Box
The nightfall is perching
On the shoulders of the day
I sense no warmth,
Only a sadness
As I pry in benighted blae.
In the darkness there is a light
It casts a shadow on the wall
Pandora's box lies open
Curtsy for the curtain call.
My eyes pursue the light
In the darkest depths I grope
To find what I am searching for
A meager trace of hope.
2011 © LH
On the shoulders of the day
I sense no warmth,
Only a sadness
As I pry in benighted blae.
In the darkness there is a light
It casts a shadow on the wall
Pandora's box lies open
Curtsy for the curtain call.
My eyes pursue the light
In the darkest depths I grope
To find what I am searching for
A meager trace of hope.
2011 © LH
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Harvest Moon
On the horizon
The harvest moon
Warms the starless
Frigid sky
And my essence.
Serene and silent
Far from
My whimsical heart.
2011 © LH
The harvest moon
Warms the starless
Frigid sky
And my essence.
Serene and silent
Far from
My whimsical heart.
2011 © LH
Monday, 14 November 2011
When thoughts of you are in my head
I can think of nothing else
I must escape the urban drone
A place exists,
I call my own
A sanctuary,
Here I can be alone
To freely fantasize and muse
To feel the sunlight caress my skin
Reminisce where your lips have been
Your delicate kiss, surveying fingers
Explore each curve,
Upon my thighs, there lingers
The pulsation of your touch
Shimmers in my eyes
When you pull me to you
My sighs
At the demise.
2011 © LH
I can think of nothing else
I must escape the urban drone
A place exists,
I call my own
A sanctuary,
Here I can be alone
To freely fantasize and muse
To feel the sunlight caress my skin
Reminisce where your lips have been
Your delicate kiss, surveying fingers
Explore each curve,
Upon my thighs, there lingers
The pulsation of your touch
Shimmers in my eyes
When you pull me to you
My sighs
At the demise.
2011 © LH
Sunday, 6 November 2011
The Hangman
Give me enough rope
And I'll hang myself
Don't lurk behind me in the shadows
Chained in your saintly shackles
With your Judgmental glare
At my nom de guerre
We're indistinguishable
Aside from one trait
I'll pursue my pleasure
Whilst you lie in wait
Just give me enough rope
And I'll hang myself.
2011 © LH
And I'll hang myself
Don't lurk behind me in the shadows
Chained in your saintly shackles
With your Judgmental glare
At my nom de guerre
We're indistinguishable
Aside from one trait
I'll pursue my pleasure
Whilst you lie in wait
Just give me enough rope
And I'll hang myself.
2011 © LH
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Something Blue
The same old lies
On the day they took their vows
The band of gold, felt cold
To the touch
Her incurable heart
Til death do us part
He borrowed a rope-
He knew
When her lips turned blue
There was something ironic
About tying the knot.

2011 © LH
On the day they took their vows
The band of gold, felt cold
To the touch
Her incurable heart
Til death do us part
He borrowed a rope-
He knew
When her lips turned blue
There was something ironic
About tying the knot.
2011 © LH
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Tears of a clown
She can't sleep when it's raining
She can't listen to the sound
Of the rain as it's falling
Like the tears of a clown
She can't sleep when it's stormy
As it rips the trees apart
It reminds her of the turmoil
That lives inside her heart
But the rain clouds will shift
And the storm will abate
Sleep eludes her still,
She is lying in wait.
2011 © LH
She can't listen to the sound
Of the rain as it's falling
Like the tears of a clown
She can't sleep when it's stormy
As it rips the trees apart
It reminds her of the turmoil
That lives inside her heart
But the rain clouds will shift
And the storm will abate
Sleep eludes her still,
She is lying in wait.
2011 © LH
Friday, 30 September 2011
On Reflection
She can only see fat
Glaring back
As she stares at her reflection
In the mirror
She runs her hand
Over protruding bones
It doesn't sink in
Her sunken face
The battle with food
Will never be won
The battle in her mind
Has just begun
One more pound
Then one more
Til she disappears
Then no more
Hurt, no pain
Just a ghostly reminder
Of an existence
No one to blame
But herself.
2011 © LH
Glaring back
As she stares at her reflection
In the mirror
She runs her hand
Over protruding bones
It doesn't sink in
Her sunken face
The battle with food
Will never be won
The battle in her mind
Has just begun
One more pound
Then one more
Til she disappears
Then no more
Hurt, no pain
Just a ghostly reminder
Of an existence
No one to blame
But herself.
2011 © LH
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Westerly wind, living thing
Zephyr breeze
Gossamer clouds, escaping rays
Autumn day
Pinched my cheeks, aflush with desire
Myriad red leaves
Phantom flyers
Dance about my feet
So indiscreet
The summer sacrifices.
2011 © LH
Zephyr breeze
Gossamer clouds, escaping rays
Autumn day
Pinched my cheeks, aflush with desire
Myriad red leaves
Phantom flyers
Dance about my feet
So indiscreet
The summer sacrifices.
2011 © LH
Monday, 19 September 2011
When Time Stands Still
His soft lips
possess her mouth
engrossed, lost in time
in one another, reminiscing
if only
they could travel back
in perpetuum.
2011 © LH
possess her mouth
engrossed, lost in time
in one another, reminiscing
if only
they could travel back
in perpetuum.
2011 © LH
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Looking back
The lovers on the sidewalk
Holding hands beneath the autumn trees
Let go, they parted company
And walked down very different streets
She glanced back at him
As he disappeared from view
He carried on, his head bowed low
But he felt her eyes on him, she knew
She didn't know however
That he thought his heart would break
She didn't know he'd long for her
Every morning when he'd wake
She didn't know he'd think of her
Everytime he saw a butterfly
Or smelled the sea air near his home
And wished that she was by his side
He didn't know she'd kept every letter
That he wrote, she read
And re read every word
She kept his photo in her coat
He didn't know she searched
Amongst the crowds for his face
He didn't know she'd kept his number
All this time, just in case
What they both knew however
Is that they'd never meet again
Their love was brief but passionate
Yet blissful memories remain.
2011 © LH
Holding hands beneath the autumn trees
Let go, they parted company
And walked down very different streets
She glanced back at him
As he disappeared from view
He carried on, his head bowed low
But he felt her eyes on him, she knew
She didn't know however
That he thought his heart would break
She didn't know he'd long for her
Every morning when he'd wake
She didn't know he'd think of her
Everytime he saw a butterfly
Or smelled the sea air near his home
And wished that she was by his side
He didn't know she'd kept every letter
That he wrote, she read
And re read every word
She kept his photo in her coat
He didn't know she searched
Amongst the crowds for his face
He didn't know she'd kept his number
All this time, just in case
What they both knew however
Is that they'd never meet again
Their love was brief but passionate
Yet blissful memories remain.
2011 © LH
Saturday, 3 September 2011
The Journey
You fill the emptiness in me
make me feel complete, intact
I used to feel invisible
but you changed all of that
You're always in my stream of thoughts
a swollen river overflowing
I carry you with me on this journey
I'll never tire of the unknowing
Where we're going doesn't matter
We are all that might have been
Always everything or nothing
We know not of the inbetween
The impulse is a storm at sea
That tears apart a wooden boat
When it's gone we cling to love
And try to keep ourselves afloat.
2011 © LH
make me feel complete, intact
I used to feel invisible
but you changed all of that
You're always in my stream of thoughts
a swollen river overflowing
I carry you with me on this journey
I'll never tire of the unknowing
Where we're going doesn't matter
We are all that might have been
Always everything or nothing
We know not of the inbetween
The impulse is a storm at sea
That tears apart a wooden boat
When it's gone we cling to love
And try to keep ourselves afloat.
2011 © LH
Friday, 2 September 2011
You don't understand me
I doubt you ever will
Played it safe, never took a chance
I swallowed life's bitter pill
You stood back from the edge
While I faltered on a ledge
But you caught me just in time
I was falling, falling
Unstitched, stitch by stitch
Unravelling slowly
Trace my every seam with your fingertips
Then you'll really know me
The sound of my breathing
The outline of my face
So that even when I'm far from you
No one can take my place.
2011 © LH
I doubt you ever will
Played it safe, never took a chance
I swallowed life's bitter pill
You stood back from the edge
While I faltered on a ledge
But you caught me just in time
I was falling, falling
Unstitched, stitch by stitch
Unravelling slowly
Trace my every seam with your fingertips
Then you'll really know me
The sound of my breathing
The outline of my face
So that even when I'm far from you
No one can take my place.
2011 © LH
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Gazing up at moonlit skies
surveying stars and constellations
you dream of journeys off to Mars
the red planet holds your fascination
I too am gazing at the stars
I think of you and where you are
my shining companion in this darkness
revolving around me like a binary star.
2011 © LH
surveying stars and constellations
you dream of journeys off to Mars
the red planet holds your fascination
I too am gazing at the stars
I think of you and where you are
my shining companion in this darkness
revolving around me like a binary star.
2011 © LH
love poem
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Life Sucks!
Life is slowly sucked out of us
or escapes
a balloon
no bounce
we wither up
hurt quietly
cry silently
no mess
Not I
I bounce
I float
soaring higher
I burst
a mess
I'm hurt
a bloody wreck
pieces everywhere
Life is slowly sucked out of us
or escapes...........
2011 © LH
or escapes
a balloon
no bounce
we wither up
hurt quietly
cry silently
no mess
Not I
I bounce
I float
soaring higher
I burst
a mess
I'm hurt
a bloody wreck
pieces everywhere
Life is slowly sucked out of us
or escapes...........
2011 © LH
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Friday, 5 August 2011
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Cracks widen - lies seep
salty tears on silken cheeks
languid, a crumpled heap
longing for eternal sleep
smudged black streaks
on cotton sheets
shattered heart, incomplete
jilted lover, wounded, weeps.
2011 © LH
salty tears on silken cheeks
languid, a crumpled heap
longing for eternal sleep
smudged black streaks
on cotton sheets
shattered heart, incomplete
jilted lover, wounded, weeps.
2011 © LH
The Darkness
As I keep to myself and the evenings close
The loneliness inside me grows
The darkness surrounds me like a hooded cloak
The fear inside me has awoke
Staring out, but nothing stares back
Though eyes all around in silent attack
I close my eyes and try to hide
Prepare myself as the voices chide
I put my hands up in pointless defence
As the voices around me become intense
A whisper, a sneer, they wound and scar
They draw closer from where they were
I taste saltwater on my lips
My tears have slipped through my fingertips
I hear a sound escape from within me
It's unfamiliar, yet it sets me free
A circle of light, a minature dawn
The shadows dissolve, my soul is reborn
Awake, I stare around my room
It's filled with light
And gone is doom.
2011 © LH
The loneliness inside me grows
The darkness surrounds me like a hooded cloak
The fear inside me has awoke
Staring out, but nothing stares back
Though eyes all around in silent attack
I close my eyes and try to hide
Prepare myself as the voices chide
I put my hands up in pointless defence
As the voices around me become intense
A whisper, a sneer, they wound and scar
They draw closer from where they were
I taste saltwater on my lips
My tears have slipped through my fingertips
I hear a sound escape from within me
It's unfamiliar, yet it sets me free
A circle of light, a minature dawn
The shadows dissolve, my soul is reborn
Awake, I stare around my room
It's filled with light
And gone is doom.
2011 © LH
Friday, 24 June 2011
Friday, 17 June 2011
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Hooked On You.
I want to sleep without dreaming
and wake without thoughts of you
the taste of you on my lips
just one more fix
my spirit crushed
yet I breathe in your smell
my body craves your touch
just one more fix
my spirit crushed
one more fix
it will never be enough
I'm an addict, a user
or are you using me?
does it matter, when we misconstrue reality?
my mind consumed with thoughts of you
oblivion....a place I cling to
transfixed by you
I want to be
I want to sleep and dream of you
wake up where the world smells new
our spirits free,
and you come to me.
2011 © LH
and wake without thoughts of you
the taste of you on my lips
just one more fix
my spirit crushed
yet I breathe in your smell
my body craves your touch
just one more fix
my spirit crushed
one more fix
it will never be enough
I'm an addict, a user
or are you using me?
does it matter, when we misconstrue reality?
my mind consumed with thoughts of you
oblivion....a place I cling to
transfixed by you
I want to be
I want to sleep and dream of you
wake up where the world smells new
our spirits free,
and you come to me.
2011 © LH
Sunday, 12 June 2011
The armchair
In a little cove amongst the rocks
There is an armchair on the beach
The tide is coming in
But the armchairs' out of reach
It's lying on its' side
But it doesn't look out of place
As it rests upon the silky sand
It's got its' breathing space.
There is a man on the beach
Sitting on the rocks
He's got his jeans rolled up,
No socks
Feet dangled in the sea
I look at him,
He looks at me
And I try to understand
As I stand there on the strand
Why isn't he sitting in the armchair
On the sand?
2011 © LH
There is an armchair on the beach
The tide is coming in
But the armchairs' out of reach
It's lying on its' side
But it doesn't look out of place
As it rests upon the silky sand
It's got its' breathing space.
There is a man on the beach
Sitting on the rocks
He's got his jeans rolled up,
No socks
Feet dangled in the sea
I look at him,
He looks at me
And I try to understand
As I stand there on the strand
Why isn't he sitting in the armchair
On the sand?
2011 © LH
Thursday, 9 June 2011
The Battle
I watched the tiny matchbox houses and the the twisting roads, never-ending snakes, carrying cars and people, armies of ants to nowhere. The patchwork fields of varying shades of green and brown disappeared slowly under the white curling wisps of smoke left behind by the burning battle going on in my mind. Then I could see no more, blinded, and there was only white. A blank canvas. I thought that it would be beautiful but instead it was bright and it sharpened the edges of my thoughts, it troubled me.
The matchbox houses and the people, the tiny ants, were a distraction from my thoughts. I closed my eyes but I could only see the blood spilling out from the battle in my mind, from behind my eyelids, a flicker of shadows lurking nearby. I concentrated instead on the soothing drone of the engines, and when I looked out the window, there were only the clouds, and nothingness.....except for my thoughts....
2011 © LH
The matchbox houses and the people, the tiny ants, were a distraction from my thoughts. I closed my eyes but I could only see the blood spilling out from the battle in my mind, from behind my eyelids, a flicker of shadows lurking nearby. I concentrated instead on the soothing drone of the engines, and when I looked out the window, there were only the clouds, and nothingness.....except for my thoughts....
2011 © LH
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Monday, 6 June 2011
Kiss Kiss, Bang, Bang.
A bullet pierced my heart
left me lying on the sidewalk
wounded by your actions
scarred by your fictious talk
I didn't know you had a weapon
I didn't know we were at war
I became the target
you were aiming for
you just wanted to score
and what's more,
I'm responsible for
it all
When you loaded the gun
with the round of ammunition
you wanted to erradicate
the disarming competition
shot down again
executed by your lies
blinded by love
gunned down and left to die
you left me there
to bleed to death
without a backward glance
that's what I got
for giving you a second chance.

2011 © LH
left me lying on the sidewalk
wounded by your actions
scarred by your fictious talk
I didn't know you had a weapon
I didn't know we were at war
I became the target
you were aiming for
you just wanted to score
and what's more,
I'm responsible for
it all
When you loaded the gun
with the round of ammunition
you wanted to erradicate
the disarming competition
shot down again
executed by your lies
blinded by love
gunned down and left to die
you left me there
to bleed to death
without a backward glance
that's what I got
for giving you a second chance.
2011 © LH
The Remains Of Summer.
Lying in a bed of deceit
guilt takes a ringside seat
our hearts complete and sublime
making up for lost time
An Indian summer comes to an end
the man on the street can't comprehend
my despondency
the look of vacancy
on passer bys
I'm devoid, been cast aside
Feels like summer was a masquerade
I reside in cimmerian shade
one day I'll concede
and finally see,
we just weren't meant to be.....

2011 © LH
guilt takes a ringside seat
our hearts complete and sublime
making up for lost time
An Indian summer comes to an end
the man on the street can't comprehend
my despondency
the look of vacancy
on passer bys
I'm devoid, been cast aside
Feels like summer was a masquerade
I reside in cimmerian shade
one day I'll concede
and finally see,
we just weren't meant to be.....
2011 © LH
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