Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Death Chooses You.

You don't get to choose death
Death chooses you
Unaware of it's approach
It skulks around you
It prowls like a predator
Sneaking through
The long grass
Sniffing the air
Waiting to pounce
It will choose it's moment
When it's good and ready
You don't get to choose death
It will choose you.

When you unscrew the lid
From your bottle of pills
Through tear filled eyes
And pop them into your mouth
Feel the rough glaze
And the toxic taste
That you think is death
Your body welcomes it
Then your stomach heaves
And you ride the white stallion
Through the city streets
Carried in the arms
Of a knight in shining armour
Then lie in a heap
Surrounded by machines
That continuously beep
You realise
You don't get to choose death
Death chooses you.

When you take a sharp razor
To your lily white flesh
And cut deep into your pulse
You think you can make it stop
Time seems to pause
But the hands on the clock
Continue to tick
Your heavy eyelids close
And the last thing you see
Is the knight with his shield
Its the end of the game
You awake wrapped in gauze
The wounds have healed
But you live with the shame
You don't get to choose death
Death chooses you.

You tie a rope good and strong
Pull it tight, it won't break
Put your head in the noose
The chafe of the twine
Around your neck
Stick to the deadline
Then sudden clarity
You want to live
The rope has no give
The chair you balance on
Starts to wobble
And topple
Your arms flap in the air
This is what it feels like to fly
Your feet slip from the edge
And they don't touch the ground
The knights stallion is black
And you climb on the back
You don't get to choose Life
Death chose you.

2011 © LH

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